This brought to mind a video I just watched as part of the Spring Seasonal Generative Lab I'm currently doing with the wonderful Corporeal Writers program in Portland. The seasonal labs are based on the idea that some people do write in ebbs and flows for various reasons. As Lidia Yuknavitch, the founder of CW, says in the video, she used to beat herself up for not writing, and "it took me years to figure out I'm always writing--it's just sometimes it's internal instead of external."

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That felt like a warm wave of permission to stop striving and start enjoying.

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Free at last, God Almighty! Free at last!

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Funny. Just a few days ago, I was thinking how I miss having a physical metronome as opposed to the digital one on my phone. I find the steady beat soothing. And since I play most often in a band context now, where the click is king, I almost feel untethered without it.

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Amy, great insights. Another thing I could add to the list is to seize the creative moment when it hits you. If you see something beautiful, pause for a minute to think about how you would describe it in words, if you experience an intense interpersonal exchange try writing your emotions or how you perceive the other person's emotions, etc. In other words, when an opportunity for a creative moment arises, take full advantage of it.

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